I got an e-mail a few days ago from the editor of a place called the Web Fiction Guide, which is "a community-run listing of online fiction. We list anything that is original and story-oriented (we don’t list fanfic or erotica), and that is available to read for free online. As with other online media (blogs, webcomics, etc.), some of it’s good, and some of it’s not. Our goal is to help you find stuff you want to read." Anyway, it seems one of the members submitted The Silver Ring, so now it's listed on their site, which is nice.
Speaking of The Silver Ring, I'd uploaded it to the Kindle Store a few weeks ago just to get it out there. Sold a few units but that was it. I quickly realized what promotion is all about, so (shamefully) I visited one of the message boards for Kindle users and mentioned the novella and got a few more units sold. This, as I understand it, is the way to become successful. But I'm sorry, I still can't bring myself to do the whole song and dance, at least not yet ...
But having the novella on Kindle got it listed at Goodreads, which then allowed me to sign up as a Goodreads Author ... which is cool and everything, though the truth is any Joe Schmoe can self-publish and be listed as an "author" too, so it's really not that big of a deal. Still, for those interested, my "page" can be found here.
Finally, regular readers of this blog will remember we have a pet rat named Ralphie. He's had some trouble these past couple months, dealing with tumors, and while we've been able to stay on top of them for the most part, a tumor has appeared in a new spot, a place that wouldn't be beneficial to try to have taken out, so, well, now we're just taking it day by day and hoping for the best.
Oh, and I'm posting the Hint Fiction anthology guidelines tomorrow, July 1, so depending when you read this they might already be there. Check out the Hint Fiction page for more details.