In a dystopian future where the animated dead reign, the few remaining living are feared and pursued. Conrad is a Hunter. He's one of the best. But when he hesitates one night in killing a living child, he soon finds himself in a desperate fight to save his son — and the entire world.

Previously released as The Dishonored Dead, Robert Swartwood's groundbreaking novel has been re-released with a new title.

Praise for Land of the Dead:

“One of the smartest, most exciting zombie novels in many years. I absolutely loved it.” —Brian Keene

Land of the Dead is one of the most original and gripping zombie novels I have ever read, offering a glimpse into the life of a zombie in a world turned backwards, where zombies live and humans are feared. Highly recommended!” —Jeremy Robinson

Land of the Dead is simply brilliant, and its telling a superb achievement. Robert Swartwood has given us a wonderful twist, not only on the zombie novel, but on the dystopian tale as well. It's like Brave New World meets Logan's Run, but with a bite all its own. Strongly recommended!” —Joe McKinney

“Robert Swartwood gives the word ‘zombie’ a new meaning.” —Swedish Zombie

“One of the most unique zombie novels I've ever read ... a must-read.” —

“A definite page turner with lots of action, tension and suspense.” —

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