Saturday Shuffle

Thank you to everyone who participated in the "Name That Monster" mini-contest. There were a lot of great suggestions, but unfortunately there can be only one winner, and this time our random winner is ...

Ben White

Ben's suggestion was to name the monster Raev, the Hebrew word for "hungry." Hey, works for me. Ben, e-mail me your address at robert (at) robertswartwood (dot) com and I'll ship off a copy of Fifty-Two Stitches posthaste.

Again, thanks to everyone who participated. And remember -- if you didn't win, don't blame me. Blame statistics.

Also, I'd mentioned weeks back that my pal Joe Schreiber had two new books coming out, one an original horror novel, the other a Star Wars horror novel. Well, they both came out this week and you -- yes, you -- really need to do yourself a favor and pick them up.

What's that, you say? You only have money to buy one of Joe's books this weekend? Fair enough. Then I suggest you pick up Death Troopers, the Star Wars novel, if only to help catapult Joe to the bestseller list. Next weekend you can pick up No Doors, No Windows. Oh, and do make sure to check out Joe's blog for updates regarding his tour, including pictures of him being guarded by none other than Darth Vader.