Hint Fiction contributor and all around cool cat Adam-Troy Castro brought the existence of 5-Second Films to my attention, or, as he put it, Hint Cinema. Here's some background:
5-Second Films was created by Brian “Boss Man” Firenzi in the Spring of 2005, after being disappointed by so many 5,400-second films. The rules are simple: 2 seconds of beginning titles, 5 seconds of film, 1 second of end titles. If you take umbrage with these 5sfs running at an actual length of 8 seconds, we can only assume you’re no fun at dinner parties.
So these guys obviously weren't inspired by Hint Fiction (not like this film was), but as you can see below, the films are definitely an acquired taste, just like HF. Are they silly? Yes. Are they wacky? Yes. Are they films? Yes. Enjoy.
Also, this is your last reminder about the Hint Fiction event at the KGB Bar tomorrow evening at 7 pm. Yes, it's the same night as the Oscars, but not to worry -- I'll be keeping everyone updated about the winners, no matter how inane the category. So if you're in the area, be sure to come out and get Hinted! (That sounds dirty, but it's not.)