Hint Fiction Has A Face

Look at it. Study it. Memorize it. Love it. Because come November, you are encouraged to go into your local bookstore and buy multiple copies of it.

Major thanks and kudos to the art department at Norton; they came up with a fantastic concept for the cover, and I couldn't be happier.

Hint Fiction's birthday is coming up in a few weeks. There are some surprises in store. If you're on Twitter and want to stay up to date on all things hint, follow @Hint_Fiction. So far I've been sharing hint news on both my personal account and that one, but am going to start transitioning into only sharing hint news on the Hint Fiction account.

Last but not least, I've also set up a fan page for Hint Fiction on Facebook. I launched it Saturday night. It already has over 60 fans. You know you want to join, so do it already.