A Few Things

First, a special important reminder that I'll be speaking at Elizabethtown College this Saturday at noon. You should come. Second, it seems every time I speak in public, I come down with a cold beforehand. So yeah, not feeling too well today. Hoping it's just allergies. Either way, you should totally come Saturday.

Third, today is the last day to get in on the giveaway Steve Umstead has over at his website. Free stuff!

Fourth, last week Joseph Nassise kindly singled out The Dishonored Dead (along with John Hornor Jacobs' This Dark Earth) over at the Kobo Writing Life blog, where he's counting down the days until Halloween. About the two novels he says "Every now and then, however, you come upon a novel about the walking dead that restores your faith in the subgenre by delivering something new, something fresh." As for The Dishonored Dead, he says: "Swartwood’s writing is solid and he does a nice job of ratcheting up the tension and stakes throughout. The book would be worth reading just for the unique take on zombies alone, but thankfully Swartwood delivers a well-written tale that makes the experience all the more valuable." Read the rest here.