The Best of Every Day Fiction Three is now available, which features my story "Multiplicity" along with 99 other fine stories published last year at Every Day Fiction, including stories by K.C. Ball, Gay Degani, Ben Loory, Aaron Polson, and many more. Many thanks to Camille Gooderham Campbell and Steven Smethurst and Carol Clark for including me. The anthology comes in two formats, hardcover and trade paperback, which you can purchase here. Or, if you'd like, you can win a free signed copy from me.
Last year when I gave away a copy of The Best of Every Day Fiction Two, I tried to do it as a Twitter giveaway. That had mixed results. So this year I've decided to keep it simple. You know how in high school you would take those math classes and always ask when you'll ever need to know any of those equations in real life? Well, here you go. If you'd like a chance to win a copy, simply enter some kind of mathematical equation in the comments section. That's it. The crazier the equation, the better, though honestly at the end of the week a random name will be picked. This contest runs until the midnight Friday EST. Have fun!