What's a nice way to start the day? Waking up to see that your anthology has been reviewed (and reviewed positively) by The New Yorker. Here's the first paragraph from The Book Bench:
A couple of handy book rules normally hold true. Avoid gimmick books—holiday anthologies, blog-to-print money grabs, any deep dive into a flaky food subject like the kumquat or the persimmon. And, most of the time, avoid books that fit into your back pocket—slight often means slight. “Hint Fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 Words or Fewer,” edited by Robert Swartwood, is on the wrong side of both of these rules, yet it’s an interesting, often thrilling collection, not because it rewards our shrinking attention spans, but because the best of these stories transcend the gimmick and are complete, elegant moments of fiction.
Also Aaron Polson has been using the anthology for teaching. I suggest all you teachers do the same!