Today my story "Incomplete" -- which originally appeared at Every Day Fiction (and which will kindly be reprinted in The Best of Every Day Fiction Two) -- has gone live at CellStories. You can click on the link, but if you're using a desktop computer all you will see is the main site. The only way to view the stories published is to upload them on a cellphone, but not just any cellphone will work. As noted on the website you should be able to view stories with "any mobile device with a WebKit-based browser; we've specifically checked iPhone, iPod Touch, and Android-based phones." This whole thing is the brainchild of Daniel Sinker, who I believe is doing something great here -- using a unique platform to publish stories. One issue people may have is that the platform is not available to all readers. This is true. Awhile back Jess had asked how I go about choosing markets to submit to, and while I'll go more in-depth at some point, the basic answer is for online markets, I want to try to reach as many readers as possible. That's why I submitted "Incomplete" (note that they do accept reprints) -- it was a story that had already been published on one platform, so it would be nice to have the story appear on another platform.
Everybody nowadays is talking about the death of publishing. I've been pretty quiet about it, watching how things play out. The conclusion I've come to though is that the more ways to get people to read, the better. Remember my last post, the question I asked? Even if you're using your cellphone to read a text, it's still reading. Publishing ... it's just going through a transitional period right now. No reason to freak out. In fact, look at cellphones. Did they do away with the normal telephone? No, those are still around, but these days almost every person has a cellphone. Telecommunication has flourished.
I'd like to think it's the same way with eReaders. Once the prices become more reasonable and more and more people have them, reading will flourish too. Now you don't have to worry about something being out of print, or your local bookstore not having a particular book. You can download it immediately and enjoy.
I've switched cellphones recently, saying goodbye to my BlackBerry Curve and hello to my HTC Hero, which is an Android-based phone. Just tonight I installed the Aldiko eBook Reader. Two books it came with already were The Art of War by Sun Tzu and The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells. I also downloaded The Bishop and Other Stories by Anton Chekhov, Stranger Things Happen and Magic For Beginners by Kelly Link, and Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. Those four books were free to download, now available to read anytime I want on my phone. Eventually I'll try it out, and if I find I like reading novels on my phone, I can always download more, even if I have to pay a couple bucks.
Basically, technology is here to stay, and it's just getting better and better. Don't be afraid. Embrace it.