Nano Fiction Contest

Ben White, editor of Nanoism, is hosting a new contest that runs until the end of the year, with yours truly as the judge. Here are the details:

Dearest Nanofans,

You may have thought 2011 would come and go without an opportunity to participate in yet another great bite-sized creative-writing contest extravaganza. But you’d be wrong, since we’re squeezing our annual contest into the last sliver of the year. For those of you familiar with our charity contest last year, the gist is the same. It’s the holiday season, and what better way to end the year than with stories that fit anywhere and with money flowing to those who need it most.

The Details:

  • The contest is open starting now until 11:59pm on January 1st, 2012.
  • Everyone and anyone gets one free entry to the contest.
  • Every dollar you donate to the charity of your choice (after December 5, 2011) gets you another entry.
  • Every dollar you donate also nets you a chance to win one of our randomly-awarded prizes, which are listed below.
  • This year’s judge is none other than Robert Swartwood, the father of Hint Fiction (our well-titled sibling in the world of itty bitty stories). Mr. Swartwood has also graciously donated an ebook copy of his new very short fiction collection, Phantom Energy, to all donating contestants.

(If you’re in need of a charitable inspiration, we heartily recommend Partners in Health, an NGO healthcare group that help build hospitals as well as staff, teach, and provide healthcare in some places that need it desperately, including Haiti, where their amazing work continues).

Cash Prizes (+publication/fame):

1st place: $25 2nd place: $15 3rd place: $10 Honorable mentions: A virtual pat on the back.

The prize pool (for those who donate)

Everyone will receive an ebook edition of Phantom Energy, as well as a chance to win prizes from some amazing publications that deserve your support all year long:

Can you come up with 140 characters of pure awesomeness? If so, check out the rest of the guidelines here.