Refuge Is Coming

Late yesterday bestselling author Jeremy Robinson made this announcement on his Facebook page:

Coming in November, under my Jeremy Bishop pen name, I will be releasing a serialized novel titled REFUGE. Think of it like a TV show with episodes and seasons. The first season will come out in five novella length chunks, which will then be released as one long omnibus. As a Jeremy Bishop series, this is horror. It's not zombies this time around, but is epic in scope with a focus on characters. To sweeten the deal even further I've brought on four authors to co-write books 2 - 5. They are Daniel Boucher, Robert Swartwood, David McAfee and Kane Gilmour. I can't wait to share this new series with you and am super excited about it, but for now, here's a look at the covers for Book 1 and Book 2.

Refuge - Book 1

Refuge - Book 2

I'm not going to give any more details away about the project except to say it's going to be a blast. I'm writing the third book, and once that cover and title become available, I'll share it here.