The title of this post says it all. For a limited time, you can purchase every single one of my ebooks for just $10. Combined the retail is nearly $50, so that's a savings of 80%!
The bundle includes The Serial Killer's Wife, The Calling, Man of Wax, The Inner Circle, Real Illusions, Phantom Energy, Walk the Sky, The Dishonored Dead, No Shelter, Spooky Nook, The Man on the Bench, The Silver Ring, Through the Guts of a Beggar, At the Meade Bed & Breakfast, and In Solemn Shades of Endless Night.
This is perfect for readers who have only read one or two of my books and want to read more, or readers who have read all my books and want to share with their family and friends. There's even an option where you can give this bundle as a gift, perfect for Christmas!
When purchasing the bundle, you get the mobi and epub files for each novel, which are of course DRM-free.
Happy holidays!