The other day my wife got a strange letter in the mail. There was no return address, and her name and our address was handwritten. Inside the letter was this single piece of paper:
Looks legit, doesn't it?
Like most people, I would have trashed the letter and envelope and forgot all about it. But I'm not like most people. So I figured, hey, my friends Holden McGroin and Mike Hunt haven't made an appearance lately, so why not give the number a call and see what happens. I called via Skype and recorded both conversations -- the first is pretty short -- and I've edited out the wait times for both calls, which were over three minutes each. The first guy I don't feel bad about, but the second guy seemed decent enough that I almost wanted to warn him about what kind of scam he was helping to perpetuate. Also, the website he mentions? It's certainly a website, but check out the links at the bottom, and see how many followers they have on Twitter and how many likes on Facebook. Yeah, looks REALLY legit. So I figured, hey, why not call the number on the website, too ...