Yesterday Robin Vidimos reviewed the Hint Fiction anthology for The Denver Post and said many nice things, including:
Whisper n Thunder has been inspired by the NPR piece to hold a Hint Fiction contest of their own, with some pretty decent cash prizes.
Speaking of contests, there is still time to enter SmokeLong Quarterly’s 30-Word contest.
Friday night was the last stop on the mini Hint Fiction tour at the Big Blue Marble. Not many pictures were taken, but those that were can be found here.
Finally, depending on what time you read this, you might be able to check out my live interview with Sean Moncrieff of Newstalk, Ireland’s independent talk radio station. It's supposed to start at 3:30 GMT (10:30 am EST) today. You should be able to listen live on the website, I believe.
Coming soon: a non Hint Fiction post. I promise.