A new review of the anthology has recently been posted over at Three Guys One Book. It's a pretty positive review, for the most. The exception being this little bit:
I found the title headings pointless and distracting. A case of over-contextualizing. After a while, I just started to ignore them. I focused on the stories and the names of the writers. I loved the writer’s names, like I love an unopened book that I’d like to figure out how to crack. As for the topical section headings like: “Life & Death” it was like knocking down a bug. I know you can do it but why bother? And man, “everything” is about life and death so you don’t have to say so.
As I noted here (which was in response to Ben White's eloquent post on the subject), a good Hint Fiction story needs a title. In fact, a story can be made or broken on the title alone. Just as with a novel or short story, the title is important, but even more so with Hint Fiction as it adds that extra layer. It just doesn't label the story; it is, in a sense, part of that story.
So is it a big deal that the reviewer found the story titles pointless and distracting? Not at all. That's the beauty of Hint Fiction -- every reader brings something different to the experience.
Anyway, be sure to check out the rest of the review, as the reviewer singles out ten contributors and talks in-depth about each of their stories. He even offers up this nice little nugget of blurbage:
Hint Fiction is a beautiful map of literature that I want you to explore.
So make sure you do!