Look Who Got A Facelift

While I liked the original cover to The Serial Killer's Wife that Jeroen ten Berge designed last year, recently I've come to think it was much too pulpy for the overall storyline. And after having worked with Jeroen on the Man of Wax cover (not to mention The Inner Circle cover), I realized I wanted to give the book a much more mass market feel, so now here we are. The cover is already live in the US Kindle Store and the UK Kindle Store, and at the NOOK Store. The paperback is still the old cover and won't be changed for at least another week or two, so if you're interested in a collector's item, hurry and pick it up. (Note: I use the phrase "collector's item" very loosely.)

Speaking of The Serial Killer's Wife, The LL Book Review gives their take and calls it "a fun, fast, and refreshing read." Check out the rest of the review here.