First, thanks for everyone's support in regards to yesterday's post. If you haven't done so yet, read this. Second, In the Land of the Blind is now available for the Nook and is listed at Goodreads. All other formats can be found here.
Third, just like Mark Medley, I'm a book hoarder. I can't help myself. I just love books. I don't even have to want to read the book to own it. And it doesn't help that many years ago one of those remainder bookstores was going out of business and was liquidating their stock and had all hardcovers priced at two bucks a piece and paperbacks priced at a buck. Plus every year there's a huge library book sale that runs about the same kind of prices. So, as you can imagine, I have a lot of books. A lot of books. More books than I could possibly ever read. But even so, I find it very difficult to give them up because, you know, maybe one day I will get the chance to read one of those books and the book will be amazing, my favorite book ever. You just never know. Every once in awhile my wife talks me into donating a box of books to the library, and then I go through the tortuous rigmarole of selecting which books I want to give up (no lie: one time I actually looked up each Publishers Weekly review for a stack of books to decide which ones to keep and give away). Anyway, the reason I'm bringing this up is because it's that time of year again where I need to donate more books to the library, but I thought I would give some books away here, too. So if you'd like a book, tell me your preference of hardcover, trade paperback, or paperback and what genre and maybe some favorite authors in the comments section, and then e-mail me your address at robert (at) robertswartwood (dot) com. The catch is you won't know what book you'll get in the mail, only that it will be the kind of genre you like. This mini giveaway only goes until Sunday midnight EST.