I'll post about this again later in the month, but anyone going to AWP? If so, be sure to stop by Virginia B Room of the Marriott Wardman Park at 3:00 on Friday for what is probably going to be the greatest panel ever:
Hint Fiction: Stories that Prove Less is More. (Robert Swartwood, Randall Brown, Michael Martone, Daniel Olivas, Roxane Gay) The editor of the recent Norton anthology and its contributors examine stories of extreme brevity. They will discuss whether these stories are considered actual stories, and whether they hold substance, focusing on these questions: Do works of this length help or hinder writers? Can these tiny stories have just as much impact as stories of traditional length? The panelists will share their own hint fiction and discuss its role in the ongoing evolution of literature.
Well, okay, I am a tad biased, but I'm sure it's going to be a fun time. I'm actually in the process of organizing a list of topic questions and was wondering for those who are not going to be in attendance, is there anything you'd like to ask in regards to Hint Fiction or just extremely short stories in general, something that myself or Randall Brown or Michael Martone or Daniel Olivas or Roxane Gay could perhaps answer?
Wait, you're probably thinking, why would I want to ask a question to an answer I'll never hear because I won't be at the conference?
Good question. The reason, my friend, is if all goes well, I'll try to have the panel recorded and upload online for your perusal. Sound good?
Yes, you're probably thinking, it does.
Glad to hear it. So then if you do have any questions, let me know in the comments section. Thanks.